Petite boucle de la Plagne - summer

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A short, easy walk starting from the Cordon church, allowing you to discover the village and its traditional habitat, hillsides, farms, granaries, bread ovens, all in one short stroll...
Access: park in the village center. Take the signposted path to the right of the church, then follow the signs for Le Peray (Perret) along a narrow, slightly steep path to the Plagne farm, which you pass on the downhill side. Continue right to the Route de la Plagne (signposted Loop de la Plagne), which you take on the left to walk back above the village, facing Mont Blanc. Cross the Route des Miaz to reach the torrent, cross it and walk back down towards La Scie to close the loop in the center of the village.

Route GPX track

74700, Cordon
most of the year.